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Decision Science on your side.
The value of evidence-based investing.

We know humans can make irrational decisions which can often be stressful and costly. DFS uses Decision Science to drive and simplify portfolio decisions. We take the guess work out.

Humans have behavioural biases. One of the best known is that people respond more strongly to loss than they do to gain. Such bias often makes investors over-conservative for fear of losing money in a downturn. This fear can also cause investors to over-rely on financial advice that is not based on evidence.

Rather than relying on uncertain forecasts or making reactive decisions, we use risk signals to control risk. We keep your portfolio aligned to your risk tolerance, which is a fundamental shift in thinking. DFS uses the right tools and processes to manage risk, so you can experience what you have always wanted, but often told you can’t have…a steadier investment journey.