Demand Transparency, Accountability and Value
from your investment portfolio

Managed Volatility

Greater risk-return consistency in good
times and bad

Managed Volatility

Greater risk-return consistency in good
times and bad

Conventionally managed portfolios ignore the anxiety you feel when markets become turbulent. In contrast, our portfolios think about risk the way you do. We measure and manage risk to give you a steadier journey and provide solutions that works in good times and bad. Contact us now to secure a steadier journey

Benchmarked Performance

Compare portfolios after
adjusting for risk

Benchmarked Performance

Compare portfolios after
adjusting for risk

Using returns to measure portfolio performance may work when markets are stable, but not when they are volatile. You should be regularly informed of how much risk your portfolio is taking and how it's performing against stringent benchmarks. This is what we do; we account to you and empower you. Contact us now to resolve this today

Portfolio Oversight

Change how portfolios are managed;
and have more visibility

Portfolio Oversight

Change how portfolios are managed;
and have more visibility

Understanding how your money is invested can be difficult and elusive. Investors often become overwhelmed and many simply defer to a default investment option. We prefer to engage with you by providing the transparency you need to understand how your portfolio is being managed. Contact us now to gain a better understanding

Have more influence
over your wealth.

Relying on manufactured investment products simply isn’t enough anymore. DFS advocates a more personalised approach that aligns your portfolio with your individual risk preferences. Experience the portfolio journey you expect, regardless of how the market is performing.

demand transparency

Investment portfolios
with no room to hide

While historical returns are commonly used as the standard measure to evaluate fund performance, it’s not telling you the whole story. What is hidden are the shifting tides of risk that impact your portfolio when market conditions change. As specialists in portfolio risk, DFS gives you greater confidence that you will not breach the risk level you have signed up to.

a steadier journey

Selecting a portfolio
that is right for you

Don’t settle for default investment options; make a conscious choice about how you want your portfolio to be managed. This is a highly specialised area that requires industry leading expertise. In your search for a better investment experience, we invite you to consider DFS Portfolio Solutions.

control your risk exposure

Not all Managed
Accounts are equal

DFS stands out from the pack, offering managed accounts that are unmatched in quality of service. While yielding results that align with investor preferences, real portfolio triggers are discerned from uncertain return forecasts and twitchy tactical moves. DFS offers solutions that work in good times and bad; making hay when the sun shines and sailing into safer waters when the potential for significant market-falls becomes real.

evidence based investing

Meet your investment team

Your partner in risk based portfolio management

Contact us to find out more

Experience Evidence Based Investment

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T: 03 9658 6700
A: Level 3, 179 Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia