What options are available?

Choose from our Suite of Model Portfolios

DFSPS provides an avenue for advisers seeking to adopt model portfolios. We benchmark our offerings by how well and how readily our model portfolios can be implemented by your Practice. To this end, we have given considerable regard to the various combinations that are likely to be sought by advisers based on the diverse needs and preferences of their clients.

The current offerings are as follows:

Gen Y
& Millenials

Gen Y
& Millenials

• Long-term accumulation of wealth
• Strong Growth bias
• Low draw down sensitivity
Primary objective:
• Minimise fee friction
Portfolio bias:
Long-term set & hold portfolios

Gen X

Gen X

• Later stage Wealth Accumulators
• Increasing regard to risk management
• Rising sensitivity to drawdown risk
Primary Objective:
• Pre-retirement wealth accumulation
• Robust risk diversification
Portfolio bias:
Multiple portfolio options
to cater for varying
risk/return preferences

Baby Boomers
& Silent Gen

Baby Boomers
& Silent Gen

• Capital drawdown bias
• Higher sensitivity to drawdown risk
• Value risk management
Primary Objective:
• Income generation
• Capital preservation
Portfolio bias:
Risk-managed Portfolios

Whether fully implemented or designed, DFSPS aims to cater for your own preferred approach when dealing with your client portfolios. We achieve this by taking a modular approach, which enables you to “build” suitable portfolios for your clients.

All investment options are benchmarked to widely accepted industry benchmarks to deliver ongoing accountability to clients.

Given the changes resulting from the Hayne Royal Commission, clients are now seeking greater engagement and wish to take charge of their wealth. We see this as an opportunity for advisers to re-connect and take clients through a process that reframes their requirements and preferences in detail. As a DFSPS client, you have access to our proprietary portfolio decision tool that complements your current client engagement by providing education and guidance with respect to the following portfolio management considerations:

  • Direct vs Indirect investing
  • Indexed vs Active investing
  • Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) vs Dynamic Asset Allocation (DAA)
  • Whether to use Separately Managed Account (SMA product approach) or Managed Discretionary Account (MDA service approach)

Our portfolio decision tool establishes client preferences & suitability by giving due regard to factors such as: cost sensitivities; extent to which your clients wish to be involved in investment decisions; response time on investment decisions; and attitudes and sensitivities to downside and shortfall risks. Our portfolio decision tool enhances dialogue with your clients by addressing important portfolio considerations that are seldom referred to in the financial planning process, let alone addressed as a part of best interest obligation.

Our modular servicing structure allows you to choose from multiple portfolio management options. Whether you are looking for fully-implemented solutions or prefer to round out and/or complement your existing investment offering, we can assist.

Want to know more? Request a Call-back.